17 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Model Checking (Collapsible) Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

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    We study (collapsible) higher-order pushdown systems --- theoretically robust and well-studied models of higher-order programs --- along with their natural subclass called (collapsible) higher-order basic process algebras. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the model checking complexity of a range of both branching-time and linear-time temporal logics. We obtain tight bounds on data, expression, and combined-complexity for both (collapsible) higher-order pushdown systems and (collapsible) higher-order basic process algebra. At order-kk, results range from polynomial to (k+1)(k+1)-exponential time. Finally, we study (collapsible) higher-order basic process algebras as graph generators and show that they are almost as powerful as (collapsible) higher-order pushdown systems up to MSO interpretations

    Model checking infinite-state systems: generic and specific approaches

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    Model checking is a fully-automatic formal verification method that has been extremely successful in validating and verifying safety-critical systems in the past three decades. In the past fifteen years, there has been a lot of work in extending many model checking algorithms over finite-state systems to finitely representable infinitestate systems. Unlike in the case of finite systems, decidability can easily become a problem in the case of infinite-state model checking. In this thesis, we present generic and specific techniques that can be used to derive decidability with near-optimal computational complexity for various model checking problems over infinite-state systems. Generic techniques and specific techniques primarily differ in the way in which a decidability result is derived. Generic techniques is a “top-down” approach wherein we start with a Turing-powerful formalismfor infinitestate systems (in the sense of being able to generate the computation graphs of Turing machines up to isomorphisms), and then impose semantic restrictions whereby the desired model checking problem becomes decidable. In other words, to show that a subclass of the infinite-state systems that is generated by this formalism is decidable with respect to the model checking problem under consideration, we will simply have to prove that this subclass satisfies the semantic restriction. On the other hand, specific techniques is a “bottom-up” approach in the sense that we restrict to a non-Turing powerful formalism of infinite-state systems at the outset. The main benefit of generic techniques is that they can be used as algorithmic metatheorems, i.e., they can give unified proofs of decidability of various model checking problems over infinite-state systems. Specific techniques are more flexible in the sense they can be used to derive decidability or optimal complexity when generic techniques fail. In the first part of the thesis, we adopt word/tree automatic transition systems as a generic formalism of infinite-state systems. Such formalisms can be used to generate many interesting classes of infinite-state systems that have been considered in the literature, e.g., the computation graphs of counter systems, Turing machines, pushdown systems, prefix-recognizable systems, regular ground-tree rewrite systems, PAprocesses, order-2 collapsible pushdown systems. Although the generality of these formalisms make most interesting model checking problems (even safety) undecidable, they are known to have nice closure and algorithmic properties. We use these nice properties to obtain several algorithmic metatheorems over word/tree automatic systems, e.g., for deriving decidability of various model checking problems including recurrent reachability, and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with complex fairness constraints. These algorithmic metatheorems can be used to uniformly prove decidability with optimal (or near-optimal) complexity of various model checking problems over many classes of infinite-state systems that have been considered in the literature. In fact, many of these decidability/complexity results were not previously known in the literature. In the second part of the thesis, we study various model checking problems over subclasses of counter systems that were already known to be decidable. In particular, we consider reversal-bounded counter systems (and their extensions with discrete clocks), one-counter processes, and networks of one-counter processes. We shall derive optimal complexity of various model checking problems including: model checking LTL, EF-logic, and first-order logic with reachability relations (and restrictions thereof). In most cases, we obtain a single/double exponential reduction in the previously known upper bounds on the complexity of the problems

    Recurrent Reachability Analysis in Regular Model Checking

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    Abstract. We consider the problem of recurrent reachability over infinite systems given by regular relations on words and trees, i.e, whether a given regular set of states can be reached infinitely often from a given initial state in the given transition system. Under the condition that the transitive closure of the transition relation is regular, we show that the problem is decidable, and the set of all initial states satisfying the property is regular. Moreover, our algorithm constructs an automaton for this set in polynomial time, assuming that a transducer of the transitive closure can be computed in poly-time. We then demonstrate that transition systems generated by pushdown systems, regular ground tree rewrite systems, and the well-known process algebra PA satisfy our condition and transducers for their transitive closures can be computed in poly-time. Our result also implies that model checking EF-logic extended by recurrent reachability predicate (EGF) over such systems is decidable.

    On the Computational Complexity of Verifying One-Counter Processes

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    Abstract—One-counter processes are pushdown systems over a singleton stack alphabet (plus a stack-bottom symbol). We study the complexity of two closely related verification problems over one-counter processes: model checking with the temporal logic EF, where formulas are given as directed acyclic graphs, and weak bisimilarity checking against finite systems. We show that both problems are P NP-complete. This is achieved by establishing a close correspondence with the membership problem for a natural fragment of Presburger Arithmetic, which we show to be P NP-complete. This fragment is also a suitable representation for the global versions of the problems. We also show that there already exists a fixed EF formula (resp. a fixed finite system) such that model checking (resp. weak bisimulation) over one-counter processes is hard for P NP[log]. However, the complexity drops to P if the onecounter process is fixed. Keywords-Complexity theory, Logic I

    Liveness Analysis over Automatic Transition Systems

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    Many real-world systems are more suitably represented as infinite, rather that finite-state transition systems. Some potential sources of infinity include unbounded number of processes, unbounded stacks/queues, and unbounded numeric variables. The past decade saw a lot of effort in extending the tools and techniques of model checking to handle infinite-state systems. The main hurdle one has to face in such an endeavor is that in general model checking infinite-state systems is undecidable. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to circumvent such a problem. The first approach concerns finding subclasses of infinite systems with decidable properties of interests (e.g. safety and liveness). Such subclasses include pushdown systems, prefix-recognizable systems, and timed systems. At the other extreme, one might start with a broad class of infinite systems and develop semi-algorithms of various kinds (e.g. ones that are guaranteed to terminate but might also give a “don’t know ” answer). In this talk, we briefly present some results from a conference paper [6] and some unpublished results from the PhD thesis of the first author. We consider th